North Yorkshire Local Access Forum


26 May 2021


Forward Plan Report





Purpose of the Report



To consider, develop and adopt a Forward Plan of items of business for future meetings.


2.0       Background


2.1      The ‘Guidance on Local Access Forums in England’ published by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) strongly recommends that forums prepare a forward work programme which sets out the forum’s priorities and special areas of interest.


2.2      This can play an important role in helping the forum to:

      Ensure a focus on issues which are the most relevant for the area

      Clarify the issues on which the County Council or other section 94(4) bodies would benefit from receiving advice

      Timetable when specific matters are likely to be considered

      Inform the public about the forum’s work

      Identify training needs

      Review effectiveness and prepare an annual report.


3.0       Forward Plan


3.1      The Forward Plan is attached at Appendix A, which lists the agreed meeting dates for the coming municipal year.


3.2      The Forum meets three times a calendar year but may choose to agree further meeting dates (based on need), and may set up sub-groups to progress specific pieces of work outside of the formal meetings. 






Forum members are asked to agree the work programme for the remaining meetings in 2021/22, subject to any additions/amendments identified at this meeting




Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)

County Hall


Report Author: Melanie Carr, Secretary to North Yorkshire Local Access Forum


Appendix A




Forward Plan 2021/22


Date of Meeting


Standing items

·          Minutes 

·          Matters Arising

·          Public Questions and Statements

·          Consultations

·          Secretary’s Update Report

·          District Council Liaison Updates

·          Forward Plan

 26 May 2021

·          CAS UUR Management Review

·          Feedback on Sub-group review of CAS related webpages on Council website

·          Feedback on Sub-group review of NYCC’s UUR Statement

·          Draft Position Statement for Preliminary Involvement in Major Projects

29 September 2021

·          CAS Update on Use of Volunteers

·          Highways Update on:

-         Active Travel Fund;

-         Capability Fund and Travel Plans;

-         Latest Government guidance (inc cycling)

-         Developer Design Guide;

-         Any further funding opportunities.


26 January 2022






Suggested Future Items

      Rights of Way Improvement Plan

      In-depth discussion on Reinstatement 

      Proposed joint working with Yorkshire Dales and North York Moors Local Access Forums

      Draft NYCC Active Travel Strategy